Saturday, June 26, 2004

What?!? No Pay?!?

I did something dumb this week.

I forgot to submit my Log Records before the Cut-Off.

I can hear people saying: "So What?!?"

Well, here's the catch. It is office policy to submit your Log Records (Logs In and Out) before each Cut-Off Period (the 9th and 24th of every month), otherwise you do not get your Pay Check for that Pay Period. In short, I will not be receiving my Pay Check at the end of the month.

Ooohhh... Tough!

Well, there is a Logically Sound and Utterly Stupid story behind that.

First, let's do the Logically Sound reason: As I checked my Log Records for this Cut-Off, I realized that my Manager uploaded the wrong schedule, failing to amend the Rest Day Swap that my Co-Worker and I applied for. I also had to apply for a Log Modification, since the system did not Log me out on one of the days.

After my manager did the modifications and necessary adjustments, one of my Logs disappeared! The system deleted it! I immediately informed my Manager and she tried to fix it. She even had to call the System Administrators since it wasn't budging. When it was finally fixed, we were relieved.

Now, the Utterly Stupid reason: I wasn't really myself that evening. My car's brakes almost gave out on me while I was on my way to work. It was raining hard, too. I was dead scared when I got to the office, knowing something might've happened to me if my brakes died. I also wasn't able to get some decent sleep that morning, when I got home.

When it was almost time for me to go home, I was thinking about the car and where we could get the car's brakes fixed. I didn't want to drive that car anywhere without the assurance that it was safe. I waited for my dad to come and pick me up, completely forgetting that I had to submit my Log Records.

To make matters worse, I went on my Rest Days. The Logs were due on a Thursday, and I was on my Day Off! Unfortunately, there are no exemptions to the rule. No Log Records, No Pay. That sucked... BIG TIME!!! And to think I have to pay 3 Bills this month, besides my daily gas, toll and food allowance!

Anyway, I can breathe a little bit easier now since my Manager assured me that the Pay I am supposed to receive at the end of the month will be credited to my July 15 Paycheck. Yipee! Hopefully, I can pay everything up by that time!

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