Friday, June 17, 2005

In Debt...

A lot of things have changed in these past months, but one thing's for sure, I still don't have any money! Hahaha! Poor me! I still have not saved any of my earnings!

I don't know how I've managed to accumulate such a hefty debt! What it all boils down to, is my Gym Membership! Actually, its my Brother's Gym Membership that's costing me a lot of money!

You see, being the good, big sister that I am (Jeeze! Am I tooting my own horn or what?!?), I allowed my brother to use my card so that it will automatically debit his Gym Membership. Unfortunately, my brother does not pay me back. Okay, so he did pay me some, but he is still about PhP5000.00 behind in payments. And, poor me, I am left to pay for the interest charges, etc!

Another unfortunate incident, that is within the realm of my financial woes, is the loss of my wallet. Okay, so I've lost 2 wallets in a span of 3 months, but the thing that really bugged me, was the fact that the last wallet I lost had approximately US$500.00 in it! Bites, huh?!? What bites more is that it was stolen over the Holy Week in my LOCKED Drawer! I am slowly believing that people, nowadays, have zero conscience!

To try and forget the loss of my wallet, I went with my Parents and my Uncle and Aunt to Boracay. I had to drown my sorrows in the Pristine White Sands of Boracay! I just had to! But Boracay is another story...

Right now, I'm stressed out from work, and my brain is not functioning as well. Maybe after my Fontana Weekend, I could be de-stressed. *Sigh*

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