Wednesday, July 07, 2004


At long last! I am now living a NORMAL Life! For a month, at least.

Today, I started my 6:00AM-3:00PM shift at work. It's not THAT Normal for most people, but at least I'm awake when everyone else in this Time Zone is!

It's not that hectic as I presumed it to be, but it is quite interesting.

On my way to work, I saw dawn start to break. The darkness giving way to the light. Poetic! Well, at least to my mind it was. The setting was not romantic. Unless you think the Highway, pothole-ridden streets and towering skyscrapers are romantic, that is.

I haven't seen the sun rise since my carefree teenage years or on Summer Vacations. It's quite a refreshing sight. I just got used to the darkness a lot. Well, it kinda dominated my life for a while. Literally, and figuratively.

I hope that as I see the sun rise on my way to work, I could also feel the light pierce through my dark days.

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